One or More Network Protocols Are Missing in Windows 10

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One or More Network Protocols Are Missing in Windows 10 – Not able to connect with the Internet when using a PC with Windows 10/8.1/8? When you get the “Windows sockets registry entries necessary for network connectivity are missing” and the “One or even more network protocols are missing“? This I will show you tips on how to fix both these errors using two methods – one based in hardware, another in software.

Once you can’t connect with the internet on Windows 10, that is a really annoying situation so that you choose to fix it. Which means you enter in the Control Panel, click Network and Sharing Center, select Troubleshoot Problems, then go to the Internet Connections troubleshooter. Your going through all of the steps, it attempts to diagnose your issue, however it will come track of a dreaded error: one or more network protocols are missing on this computer. After clicking View More Information, you have this screen: Windows Sockets registry entries needed for network connectivity are missing. One or More Network Protocols Are Missing in Windows 10OK, now I’m likely to provide you with two methods to fix this problem. The very first method sounds ridiculously simple, it sounds enjoy it would not work, however it actually does, a minimum of to me. What exactly you must do would be to check whether all your network cables are connected. Including the Ethernet cable visiting your PC, the cables with your router, anything along those lines.

But when this doesn’t work, then there’s one other way I’d want to show you. It basically involves resetting Windows’ TCP/IP stack. Let’s follow me.

  1. Open an Administrator Command Prompt (right select Start menu, click “Command Prompt (Admin)“. (Windows logo + X) command prompt
  2. Provide your permission to UAC.
  3. Type the next command (without speech marks): “netsh int ip reset c:\resetLog.txt“.
  4. If all goes well, then your operation must be successful. In case any messages saying “Access denied” show up, then you’ll need to turn to delving around from the Windows Registry.
  5. The folder you have to alter the permissions on is under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Nsi/{eb004a00-9b1a-11d4-9123-0050047759bc}/26.
  6. Perfectly select the 26 folder and provide “Everyone” (the group, that is) full permissions. Then run the netsh command again, and everything must be good!

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