How to Use Notepad++ As Hex Editor Plugin

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How to Use Notepad Hex Editor: Today I’m likely to provide you with notepad hex editor so can be ready, let’s get started so for you to turn your notepad plus plus in a tone hex editor it’s quite simple.

How to Use Notepad ++ as a hex editor plugin in Notepad

  • So I can open my notepad plus plus as you can see here and now we need to install a plugin known as hex editor.
  • I visit the plugins menu plugins manager then show plugin manager and with the list of available plugins I will look for hex editor as you can tell here. How to Use Notepad Hex Editor
  • So I’ll take a look box here and I will install it, so obviously I must restart my notepad plus plus I can only hit yes okay.
  • Now my plug-in is installed so you will note that you can find one more submenu called hex editor and from here you will see your files like a hex. How to Use Notepad As A Hex Editor Plugin
  • Let’s open an exact file for instance that crack me that egg so you will find its view, so let’s change this view to hexadecimal view.

So I’ll visit plugins then next editor then view in hex thus you will see the 3 main parts of hex editor. Here for the left you can find their address location and then in the center the hex area of course an immediate the thing is the ASCII location,
therefore the first section of hex file is really a file signature for the file signature with this file is M said P, so it’s inevitable or Windows application.

Of course it is possible to edit this hexadecimal file if you need when you click for instance here you may change value. You may change it you can create anything you want depending on change you want to create, so that you can edit your hex file ok.

You can also compare the 2 hex or two hex file to some binary file, to do this I might open one more file in fact, so I’ll open one more version of cracks me for instance.

I can right-click about it and I’ll select to move to other views okay I then will change it to hex view so I’ll visit plug in X editor look at in hex okay. Thus we have our 2 hex files side-by-side, so for you to compare these it’s quite simple, you want to a similar menu accreditor then now you must the choice to check X and you will see in red the variations between our 2 hex files okay. How to Use Notepad Hex EditorCourse it comes with an option here options you can alter the layout in our hex files you can also alter the colors for instance. If you wish to alter the car to another thing maybe have the regular text white for instance and also background with one more color I’ll select that one without one all hit yes. is notepad++ a hex editorThis plugin is quite useful if you need to have the simple thing to hex edited, so that was simply a short guide to how to use this Hex editor plugin for notepad plus plus. I hope that is helpful for you and I need to thanks for viewing good bye.

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