How to Monitor Text File Changes With Notepad++

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Monitor Text File with Notepad: Thanks for visiting one more guide how to monitor text file with Notepad ++ so right now we can discuss a plugin which is helpful for the notepad plus plus so-called show of files in order that you’re ready let’s begin. So really this plugin enables you to see or monitor your log files changes will they be come in real time or because the changes are written on the desk.

How to Monitor Text File Changes with Notepad++

Monitor Text File with Notepad

First of the allow me to install that plug-in in order usual, we visit our plugins menu then plug-in manager then show plugin manager and from your list we appear for your plugin known as document monitor as you can tell ideas just look at the box and set it up. So of course not function plus have to be restarted I really will just hit yes and so when restarted. How to Monitor Text File Changes With Notepad++We will start to see the using this plugin first of the, I want to show you a log file for instance here I’m working with the internet server known as cacti. so any changes that we created to this server are written with a log file known as access that log and so I will open that file below you will see any changes that we created to my server. Easily see a bottom and when I turn back to my server and that I created changes for instance, I see this graph or something that is as you can tell I will connect the changes in my file. I must reopen it again so as to see the changes but with this plugin. I will do this quickly. new text document notepadSo our get my log file open I quickly may go to my plugins menu then document monitor plugin as you can tell you can find just one option it must start the monitor. Only just hit this start monitor now I noticed the changes that show up in my file instantly so I’ll click begin to monitor alright. How to Monitor Text File Changes In real Time with NotepadOur turn back the to my web server and that I come up with a few changes so for instance, I go core server they lick that as you can tell how a changes come in notepad plus plus since we now have activated this plugin. We are now in line 10,000 forty-eight let do something about it when Santa last 6 hours as you have seen other lines are already added so we will see it instantly so that after it’s done, we will go to our plugin menu after that document monitor next stop monitoring. So it’s a really useful plugin if you wish to monitor your log file is at realtime of course Hopefully it is often informative for you and that I wish to thanks for browsing bye-bye.

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