Fix 100% Disk Usage by System and Compressed Memory in Windows 10

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System and Compressed Memory in Windows 10 is often a process in charge of different features related to system and memory to the compression of folders and files and then the management of RAM. So your System and Compressed Memory process is simply meant to find a little bit of CPU and Disk. However, sometimes, the System and Compressed Memory process starts depleting 100% of impacted users Disks and causing Windows 10 PC/Laptop to get extremely slow.

How to Fix 100% Disk Usage by “System and Compressed Memory” in Windows 10? follow me with easy steps listed below to fix this.

1. Disable the Superfetch service on the Services manager

  1. Press Windows key + R then type services.msc then OK. services.msc_
  2. Scroll down then select Superfetch then click Stop. superfetch
  3. Close then Restart your computer.

2. Disable the System and Compressed Memory process entirely

  1. Type on Cortana with Control Panel, and then open Control Panel. You need to use other solution to open Control Panel. Open Control Panel Windows 10 using Search
  2. Right after Open Control Panel, select System and Security. system and security cp
  3. On Administrative Tools, click on Schedule Task. Schedule Tasks
  4. Expand Task Scheduler to Windows folder. Task Scheduler
  5. Scroll down then click on MemoryDiagnostic after that click on RunFullMemoryDiagnostic after that time right side click on Disable. MemoryDiagnostic
  6. Close Task Scheduler and then Restart Computer.

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