CompatTelRunner.exe High Disk Usage in Windows 10

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CompatTelRunner.exe is a valuable part of Windows is found in the C:\Windows\System32 folder. CompatTelRunner.exe is a really method at this time used to upgrade your system about the latest OS version and various Service Pack upgrades and then decide if you have the chance of compatibility problems and builds up program telemetry information if opted-in on the Microsoft Customer Experience Improvement Program.

But CompatTelRunner.exe often results in problems. Now How to Fix CompatTelRunner.exe High Disk Usage in Windows 10? Let’s follow methods below:

1. Uninstall Windows Update KB2976978

  1. Search on Cortana having type: CMD. Then click Command Prompt. cmd cortana
  2. Copy and paste on the right after command and hit Enter.
 dism /online /get-packages | findstr KB2952664
 dism /online /remove-package /PackageName:Package_for_KB2952664~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~
 Get-HotFix -id KB2952664

Note: If you notice a cannot find hot-fix error, next the update is fully deleted from the PC.

2. Disable Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser with Task Scheduler

  1. Press Windows key + R then type taskschd.msc. taskschd.msc
  2. Open folder and then click Application Experience after that select Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser and then click on Disable. Application Experience

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