How to use WordPad in Windows 10

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How to use WordPad in Windows 10: I bet a number of of you mustn’t have come across the WordPad. Or even though you often hear about this, you haven’t tried on the extender, or you might have simply ignored its existence. Why? Well, when we require a fundamental text editor, we make use of the Notepad. When we require an advanced text editor, we use Ms Word. But somewhere in the centre, with increased features compared to humble Notepad, but lesser features compared to mighty Word software, stands Wordpad – that is free!

WordPad in Windows 10WordPad is really a word processor software with fundamental formatting options, which is incorporated in most versions from the OS since Windows 95 onwards. It happens to be there, but never really used much. Within this publish, today, we’ll check out it, see using Wordpad in Windows 10 and reset Wordpad settings, if things fail.

WordPad in Windows 10

To make use of the Wordpad in Windows 10, type ‘wordpad‘, within the taskbar search and then click the end result. This can open WordPad. Help with Wordpad in Windows 10To spread out Wordpad, you may also make use of the Run command write.exe. Press WinKey+ R, type write.exe or wordpad.exe striking Enter.

The file name of Wordpad is wordpad.exe, which is found in the following location:

 C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories

Its shortcut are available in the next location:

 C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories

Wordpad enables you to create, edit, save, open, view, and print text documents. You should use bold, underline & italics formatting, change font type color & size, create bulleted lists, center or left/right justify sentences, insert images, and much more. Just alter the simple-to-use Ribbon menu, till you receive a feel of that that is available.

WordPad, as well as other built-in tools like Character Map, Windows Fax and Scan are increasingly being ported towards the Windows Store as Universal apps. Now you can download the Wordpad application in the Windows Store.

File extension for Wordpad

Wordpad uses the .rtf or Wealthy Text Format file extension, in order to save files automatically. However it can help to save documents in .docx (Office Open XML), ODT (Open Document), .txt (Text) formats too.

Reset WordPad settings to default

We view how you can reset Notepad settings – now let’s observe how to reset WordPad settings to default in Windows 10. But before beginning, you might want to produce a system restore point or backup your Registry.

To reset Wordpad settings to the default, close Wordpad, and Run regedit to spread out the Registry Editor and visit the following key:


reset wordpad

Within the left pane, you will notice Options. Delete this Options key.

Now whenever you open Wordpad, you will notice it using its default settings.

Tell us if you are using the Wordpad or otherwise – as well as your reasons in almost any situation why you’d rather utilize it or why you don’t want to.

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