Fix BSOD Memory Management Error in Windows 10

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Windows BSOD memory management error is definitely an error occurs when your PC encounters anything it can’t process like 4k livestreams, complex games, and VR games. This error occurs in Windows 10 and all of Windows versions (Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP).

Critical error management that usually occurs when a malfunction is detected inside the system memory or drivers then causes Computer crashes or perhaps crash loops. It could be a result of hardware problems or malfunctioning drivers.

How to Fix BSOD Memory Management Error in Windows 10?

BSOD Memory Management Error in Windows 10

Try Test RAM using Windows Memory Diagnostic

Note: You can use this solution if you could still access Windows desktop. Test your RAM using Windows Memory Diagnostic.

  1. Press Windows key + R -> sort mdsched.exe -> Ok. blue screen troubleshooting windows 10
  2. Select Restart now and look for problems. bsod diagnostic tool windows 10
  3. Your PC will go through a restart and may boot on Windows Memory Diagnostic.
  4. You should replace your RAM, if an error appeared.
  5. Check Windows Event Viewer. Right click on Windows logo -> select Event Viewer. bsod memory management
  6. Increase Windows Logs -> System -> Find. fix bsod windows 10
  7. on Find what, Sort Memory Diagnostics -> Find Next. memory management
  8. If the error is encountered, you need replace RAM. Or try out uninstall update with step below.

Uninstall Update

  1. Open Control panel. memory management crash windows 10
  2. Select Uninstall a programs. ntoskrnl bsod windows 10
  3. Select View installed updates. ram management windows 10
  4. Select Installed On to knowing new update. stop code windows 10 memory management
  5. Right select recent update -> Uninstall.
  6. Restart your computer.

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