What’s New Calculator App in Windows 10

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Calculator App in Windows 10 is really a touch-friendly version of the desktop calculator in previous versions of Windows, and works on both mobile and desktop devices. You may open multiple calculators in addition in resizable windows for the desktop and switch between Standard, Scientific, Programmer, Date calculation, and Converter modes.

To start Calculator App in Windows 10, choose the Start button then select Calculator from the listing of apps. calculator in windows 10

Switch modes feature


  • Use Standard way of basic math, Scientific for advanced calculations, Programmer for binary code, Date calculation for making use of dates, and Converter for converting units of measurement. calculator in windows 10 location
  • To switch modes, choose the Menu button. After you switch, the latest calculation is cleared, but History and Memory are saved.


  • Save numbers to memory in Standard, Scientific, and Programmer modes. History stores all equations calculated when you opened the app.
  • To save the latest number to memory, select MS. Calculator keyboard shortcuts
  • To retrieve it from memory, select MR.
  • To show the Memory list, select M, or resize your window to display the Memory and History lists for yourself.
  • To add or subtract a number from memory, select M+ or M-.
  • To remove the memory, select MC.

Calculator Keyboard shortcuts

  • Calculator has keyboard shortcuts to create things easier when working with a desktop PC. For instance, press @ to calculate a square root, or press Ctrl + L to remove the memory.

Calculator keyboard shortcuts

Press this key To do this
Alt + 1 Switch to Standard mode
Alt + 2 Switch to Scientific mode
Alt + 3 Switch to Programmer mode
Alt + 4 Switch to Date Calculation mode
Ctrl + M Store in memory
Ctrl + P Add to memory
Ctrl + Q Subtract from memory
Ctrl + R Recall from memory
Ctrl + L Clear memory
Delete Clear current input (select CE)
Esc Fully clear input (select C)
F9 Select ±
R Select 1/x
@ Calculate the square root
% Select %
Ctrl + H Turn calculation history on or off
Up arrow Move up in history list
Down arrow Move down in history list
Ctrl + Shift + D Clear history
F3 Select DEG in Scientific mode
F4 Select RAD in Scientific mode
F5 Select GRAD in Scientific mode
Ctrl + G Select 10x in Scientific mode
Ctrl + O Select cosh in Scientific mode
Ctrl + S Select sinh in Scientific mode
Ctrl + T Select tanh in Scientific mode
Shift + S Select sin-1 in Scientific mode
Shift + O Select cos-1 in Scientific mode
Shift + T Select tan-1 in Scientific mode
Ctrl + Y Select y√x in Scientific mode
D Select Mod in Scientific mode
L Select log in Scientific mode
M Select dms in Scientific mode
N Select ln in Scientific mode
Ctrl + N Select ex in Scientific mode
O Select cos in Scientific mode
P Select Pi in Scientific mode
Q Select x2 in Scientific mode
S Select sin in Scientific mode
T Select tan in Scientific mode
V Select F-E in Scientific mode
X Select Exp in Scientific mode
Y, ^ Select xy in Scientific mode
# Select x3 in Scientific mode
! Select n! in Scientific mode
% Select Mod in Scientific or Programmer mode
F2 Select DWORD in Programmer mode
F3 Select WORD in Programmer mode
F4 Select BYTE in Programmer mode
F5 Select HEX in Programmer mode
F6 Select DEC in Programmer mode
F7 Select OCT in Programmer mode
F8 Select BIN in Programmer mode
F12 Select QWORD in Programmer mode
A-F Select A-F in Programmer mode
J Select RoL in Programmer mode
K Select RoR in Programmer mode
< Select Lsh in Programmer mode
> Select Rsh in Programmer mode
% Select Mod in Programmer mode
| Select Or in Programmer mode
^ Select Xor in Programmer mode
~ Select Not in Programmer mode
& Select And in Programmer mode
Spacebar Toggle the bit value in Programmer mode

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